


Change is the only variable that is constant in life. Change will come. It is not dependent on you and anybody as a matter of fact.

The wind of change is blowing already. It is coming in this direction. It’s impact on you is your choice. The goal of the wind of change is to bring about change.

There are two type of changes;

  1. That which happens to you
  2. That which happens around you.

The Wind is either going to change you and thus force a change around you or change things around you and thus force you to change.

 When change comes, your response could be any of the following

  1. Reject and Resist it.
  2. Ignore it.
  3. Prepare and adjust to it.

Wind of Change is happening all around us today. Economic change, Weather, Political and Social change. The only goal of change is to move you on in the journey of life. You cannot stop change. Nature itself tells us about change. Morning afternoon and night time. Infant, toddler, youth, adult, old age. Life and Death. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Gen 8:22)

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heavens: (Ecc 3:1)

Change is inevitable. When you come to the realization of this truth, then your response to it will determine the benefit you derive from it.

  1. If you are unprepared you will most likely Resist and reject it. Your resistance will cost you your strength, emotion, peace of mind and you will be deformed. Your focus is “a bird in hand”. Acceptance of what has been, will be and will always be. Contemplation is always on loss and scarcity. Satisfaction in what the eyes can see and the sky is the limit. Defense, protection, fight and fear are the main words. Impossibilities are the major possibilities here. Here change is fearful. Change is viewed with suspicion, as a (potential) enemy and resisted.
  2. If you are unaware of change you will definitely, Ignore it. You will be cheated and abused. You are in darkness. What will be, will be, would be your motto. You will be tossed to and fro by every doctrine. You need prayers (lots! of it.)
  3. If you Prepare for change, then you will receive and adjust accordingly. You will be at peace with change and it will transform you. Your focus is “better than this”. Contemplation is more abundance, never ending. You are attached to nothing and open to everything. The sky is the beginning for you. You seek multiple possibilities, there are only possibilities here, impossibilities are impossible here. You are creative, seeing beauty in the face of ugliness, strength in the place of weakness. Light in the place of darkness. Freedom, liberty, charity, kindness, compassion are the words here. Change is welcomed. Change is appreciated as it is.

Are you ready for change?

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